Here’s when the COVID-19 epidemic is predicted to end in Oman

Here’s when the COVID-19 epidemic is predicted to end in Oman

Oman is expected to see the end of the COVID-19 epidemic on 19 June 2020, a new report that predicts when all of the countries around the world will be free of the disease.

The report, which has been prepared by Singapore’s Data Driven Innovation Laboratory (DDI), predicts that 99 percent of COVID-19 infections in Oman will be gone by 25 May, 2020, and 100 percent of all infections will be dealt with by the 19th of June.

The prediction report was prepared by professor Jianxi Luo of the DDI, which is part of the Singapore University of Technology and Design.

“The pandemic life cycle pattern is expected to appear as an S-shape curve when one plots the accumulative count of infection cases over time or equivalently as a ‘bell-shape’ curve of the daily counts over time,” he explained in his paper that accompanied the report. “Note that the bell here is not expected to be symmetrical with no expectation of a normal distribution, but a long tail to the right.

“Such patterns as well as the underlying dynamics have been well studied in various domains including population growth, diffusion of new technologies and infectious diseases, and have theoretically established mathematical models, including the logistic model that describes a general life cycle phenomenon (such as population growth) and the SIR (susceptible-infected-recovered) model that describes the dynamic process of the spread of infectious diseases,” added Luo

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