First flight at new Muscat airport just minutes from takeoff

First flight at new Muscat airport just minutes from takeoff

Oman is just minutes away from inaugurating the first passenger flight from the new Muscat airport.

A trial flight involving residents of the Sultanate has been scheduled for this morning, as part of the readiness trials currently being run by Oman Airports Management Company (OAMC) and Oman Air, the Sultanate’s national carrier.



Passengers are currently boarding the flight, which will give plenty of insight into just how prepared the new airport is, when it comes to handling commercial aircraft, and Oman Air ground staff are currently greeting the lucky few who have been selected to be a part of this momentous occasion.

“There is an air of excitement....inaugural flight ready to be boarded now,” tweeted Oman Air as the boarding procedures began. “The guests are arriving and checking in to board the inaugural flight. Excitement galore.

“The team is getting ready to greet guests for the inaugural flight at the new @OAMCMedia,” added Oman Air, using the official Twitter handle for OAMC, which oversees the management and development of airports across Oman.

Guests are also being greeted with the customary Qahwa and dates ahead of the inaugural take-off at the new airport.


tag: oman-news , daily-oman

Source: timesofoman


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