Fuel prices for September

Fuel prices for September announced in Oman

Fuel prices for September have increased from last month, the Ministry of Oil and Gas announced on Thursday.

According to the latest prices released by the Ministry, M95 petrol will now cost 196 baisas per litre, compared to 186 baisas a litre last month.


M91 petrol will cost 186 baisas a litre compared to 178 baisas in August. The price of diesel has gone up to 201 baisas a litre from 196 baisas a litre in August.

Since the fuel subsidy was removed, prices have risen in line with international crude prices, more than 50 per cent higher than subsidised rates.

Officials, including the Minister of Oil and Gas, have called for targeted subsidies that focus on protecting low income groups and slash unfair grants to residents who can afford to pay more.

tag: oman-news , daily-oman

Source: timesofoman.com


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