GCC Health Undersecretaries meet

GCC Health Undersecretaries meet

 Undersecretaries of GCC Ministries of Health convened today their sixth meeting via video conferencing to discuss the latest developments of Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Dr. Mohammed bin Saif al-Hosni, Undersecretary of Ministry of Health for Health Affairs represented the Sultanate in the meeting.

The meeting focused on the number of laboratory tests (PCR) diagnosing COVID-19 cases. It also discussed the steps taken to protect the health workers and the financial impacts of the pandemic on the health sector.

The meeting also touched on the treatment protocols, mechanism of testing, and assessment of the current pandemic situation in the member states.

The GCC undersecretaries praised the significant efforts of the staff working in the health sector and their contribution in tackling COVID-19, as well as the cooperation of the citizens along with the official and civil authorities during these exceptional circumstances.

Further, the undersecretaries urge all GCC citizens and residents to implement the infection control standards, avoid attending the gatherings and adhere to the preventive safety measures. They also stressed the importance of taking information from the reliable sources and ignore rumors and unofficial social media channels.

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