
Top 10 thing About Oman

Oman is one of the nations in the Middle East that you probably don’t know much about. That’s because it is a prosperous and stable Middle Eastern nation which makes its anathema to a news media hungry for stories about turmoil and failed states. Here are some facts to get you more acquainted with the Sultanate of Oman.

1. Arab Horses Land

Oman is traditionally known for breeding Arab horses. Historically it has been famous for its purebred Arab horses. Omani people believe that the horse is an image of its master and a reflection of his courage, stamina and ability.

Zaad AL-Rakeb was the first horse in Arabia and to which all the Arab progeny horses were tracked back. It belonged to the Uzd, the old members of the Arab Uzd tribe of Oman.


2. Frankincense Trees

In Oman, frankincense trees only grow in the wild. Frankincense trees are facing an uncertain future worldwide. It is said that in the next 15 years production of the fragrant resin could decline by half.

Used extensively in religious rituals and in the perfume industry. Been investigated for its medicinal properties. It is becoming a very precious and demanded feedstock. Very special tree for Omani.

3. Oldest Independent Arab State

Oman is the oldest independent state in the Arab world. It has been ruled by the Al-Said family since 1744. It is true that most of the country’s citizens gained voting rights only in November of 2002 but Oman has a very interesting Foreign Policy which makes has changed an isolated and unstable Oman into a leader in Middle Eastern and global diplomacy.

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