Nizwa Souq

Nizwa Souq

Nizwa Souq is about a two-hour drive from Muscat. 

Nizwa silver craft is considered to be the best in the country. As always you can haggle for your purchase and you may be surprised at the deals you can find.


On any day of the week you can experience the usual hustle-bustle of the traditional markets selling fruits and vegetables, spices, meat and fish. But on Fridays everyone in the town gathers early in the morning at the goat walk at the far end of the Souq to purchase livestock from the local farmers. Cows, goats and sheep are offered for inspection and purchase. The scene is invariably crowded and busy and provides travellers with an excellent opportunity to observe local customs. Livestock is inspected, auctioned and sold to the highest bidders. The scene is crowded and busy especially on the eve of Eid festivities.


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