Qantab Beach

Qantab Beach

The Qantab beach is one of the most beautiful free beaches in Oman often not being given its due credit due to a huge limestone cliff but visited frequently by Omanis and tourists. If you are a seafood lover, this place located in Muscat is certainly a treat for you visit  as it is a great place to swim, has clear water and warm atmosphere. Every morning, the beach is cleaned and the cleanliness lasts till the close of the day.

The beach is home to different aquatic animals like jellyfish (non stinging ones), small crabs that come to the shores during low tides. Little fishes in shoals would be visible beside the water's edge. One could see the tourists and locals come out with their fishing rods and doing fishing on the cliff's rocky side. Children (under supervision) and adults could do swimming safely but be prepared to do the same without the aid of a lifeguard.


To get the best swimming experience, one could swim near the cliff as this part of the waters gets covered during a high tide. The other parts are also equally good but it is frequented by boats and the sea bed is on a rocky side plus the Omani teens would be playing football nearby.

The visitors of the beach would range from infant to old men and all nationalities ranging from Asians to Americans with their families or in other groups.

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