
Shopping Mall in Salalah

1. Shop at Daiso Salalah | All Items for 700 Biazas

Daiso is a renowned Japanese store chain that is located in Al Muntaza Street, near Gold Souk and Sultan Qaboos Masjid in Salalah.

In Daiso Salalah, you can find most of the items for OMR 0.700 i.e. 700 Biazas only. Few items, which are available for more than 700 Biaza, are mentioned.

Daiso has three strengths – Quality, Variety and Uniqueness.  Daiso Salalah offers kitchen, garden, stationary and travel products and other accessories. All the items are eye catching as they are colorful and placed in attractive packaging.

The items sold in Daiso store are unique and are not available in other stores in Oman, making this store a must visit while in Salalah. Many places in the world don’t have a Daiso store.


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