10 Celebs’ Movie Roles That Nearly Ended Their Lives

10 Celebs’ Movie Roles That Nearly Ended Their Lives

Most of us do not realize just how much work goes into playing a role in a movie. Actors and actresses go through a lot to make the films that we see look perfect, sometimes even putting themselves directly in harm’s way. We all love the action and intense scenes that we see on the big screen, but we never really know what went on behind the scenes to make the action look as real as it does. From extreme diets to stunts gone wrong, actors and actresses definitely are not given enough credit for the amount of danger that they face on set every day. It takes a lot to make a movie: long days and longer nights, poor eating habits, no sleep. They basically end up eating breathing and living the movie that they are starring in.


We all get to see the final product, but we never get to hear about the horrors that took place behind the scenes to make it happen. Some people have almost lost their lives and ended up seriously or permanently injured just to make a movie appear to be as real as possible. It is truly crazy the lengths that these people are willing to go just to produce some quality entertainment, and perhaps that is why they are paid so much. Sometimes though, no amount of money in the world can make up for some things that these people endure. Below we will discuss 10 actors and actresses who almost lost their lives while shooting a scene for a movie.

1. David Holmes – Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

David Holmes was Daniel Radcliffe’s stunt double during the filming of the movie Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows. David did all of Daniel’s stunts, including riding on the broomsticks during a good old match of Quidditch. While filming one scene in particular where Harry was supposed to be in a Quidditch match, David was sitting on a broomstick that was attached to a bunch of metal wires and was supposed to make it appear as if he was flying through the air. Things started out fine, but then suddenly one of the metal wires broke off and it sent the stunt double flying until he smashed into a concrete wall. After this happened, he remained conscious and as he waited for the first responders he kept saying that he could not feel his legs. This condition wound up being permanent and the stunt double was paralyzed from the waist down due to this accident.

2. Viggo Mortensen – Lord Of The Rings

The Lord Of The Rings is a very popular movie series that nerds everywhere are in love with. Actor Viggo Mortensen was shooting a scene for the movie where he had to float face-first in a river while arrows were being shot at him. This, however, backfired and the current of the river pulled him under. This actor almost drowned in the river as his armor was weighing him down. He was, however, lucky enough to slip out of the current but did not come out without injury. The actor ended up with some broken toes, and some broken teeth. Surprisingly enough, that was not his first dance with fate while filming this movie, because in an earlier scene, a man who was supposed to throw a real dagger at him (but miss by a long shot) could not see properly and ended up throwing it directly at Viggo. Viggo, however, saw it coming and was able to dodge the dagger just in time.


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Source: therichest


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