15 Celebs Who Haven’t Realized They Aren’t Famous Anymore

7. Mariah Carey


Yes, Mariah Carey is a household name and forever will be. But you know what else is a household name? Windex, Toilet paper. Old news… papers. You get where we’re coming from? Mariah has definitely had her moment in the spotlight, but that spotlight was turned off years ago and she just refuses to accept it. Most headlines for Mariah these days detail concerts and live performances going terribly wrong, or being compared to pop sensation Ariana Grande (which she also refuses to accept is a real celebrity). They are both known for their powerhouse vocals that made them famous, and Mariah is not happy sharing any of the spotlight that made her career. Whether it’s her diva attitude, tell-all interviews, or disappointing concerts, the fans just aren’t following Mariah like they used to. Some may argue that Mariah is a pop legend, and that she could never be replaced, but replaced or not, A-List is just not a phrase you can use to describe Mariah anymore, and she doesn’t seem to want to accept the harsh truth.

6. Adam Sandler

Adam Sandler has made a name for himself in comedy, there’s no doubt about that. But is that the name that’s going to keep us famous? Despite getting his start to fame on Saturday Night Live, the characters he plays in movies (which he also often produces himself), all seem to blend eerily together. There will always be an audience for a goofy idiot who only kind of knows what he’s doing. And Adam Sandler has made a career for himself with that character. Unfortunately for his career, that seems to be the only character he’s playing. If you compare movies such as Happy Gilmore, 50 First Dates, and so on, they all feature the same sort of guy doing the same sort of things. Figuring everything out as an average joe while hitting some semi-predictable punchlines. Even if you check out what he’s currently working on, compared to his earlier career, it doesn’t seem to be as lucrative as you would expect for such a once well-known comedian.

Perhaps it’s time to pass the torch to the new SNL up and comers because Adam Sandler’s claim to fame in comedy is definitely not what it used to be.

5. Shia LaBeouf

Oh, Shia LaBeouf. Sure he’s made some controversial headlines as the scantily clad man featured in Sia‘s music video Elastic Heart, but that was ages ago. The only headlines he seems to be making now or for some cringeworthy public freak-outs, racial slurs, and questionable behaviour. Just last week he was arrested for public intoxication and yelling profanities at a police officer. Of course, artistic minds can be interpreted differently, and perhaps one could argue Shia was just performing some bizarre performance art like he’s done in the past, but if we’re being real here, the world of fame and celebrities has probably just gotten the best of him.

It can be a harsh world and we’re not surprised it’s causing him to act out, but it’s probably time for Shia to realize that the tabloid headlines aren’t exploding from adoring fans anymore, but sheer curiosity of what’s honestly going on with him anymore. But in true Shia fashion, if he’s done caring about the fame and fans, he can always rent a movie theatre for himself and watch every movie he’s ever starred in.

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Source: therichest.com


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