15 Secondary Game Of Thrones Characters We Can’t Recognize Off Screen

12. Hodor – Kristian Nairn

Hodor hodored his way into all of our hearts with one word, and you’d be hard-pressed to find any Game of Thrones fan who wasn’t totally heartbroken by his departure. He spent six seasons as a stalwart companion to newly minted Three-Eyed Raven Bran Stark, but now that he’s not on Game of Thrones anymore, he’s still keeping himself busy. When he’s not being Hodor, he’s a DJ! He just surfaced at a pool party in Las Vegas, of all places. He’s been a DJ for years, even headlining the Rave of Thrones multiple times. Hodor was a unique character because of how selfless and kind he was in a show that doesn’t really value those traits. Hodor might have one more trait that other people in Westeros don’t have: the ability to drop a truly sick beat. He’s not the only musically inclined cast member either. Iwan Rheon, who played Ramsay, just released his first album and was in the West End production of Spring Awakening, while Carice Van Houten makes folk-pop music.

11. Gilly – Hannah Murray

I don’t know about you, but this almost doesn’t seem like the same person who plays Samwell Tarly’s girlfriend Gilly. Unlike the brunette Gilly, Hannah Murray is a blonde. If you’re not sure who she is, she’s one of the many people who rose to fame off of the drama series Skins. She was one of the first actors to get cast on the show, where she played Cassie Ainsworth and was quite the icon before she got her start on Game of Thrones. She’s also been in several movies, one of which should be coming out this year. While Cassie Ainsworth and Gilly come from two completely different worlds, the thing that they have in common is their strength and vulnerability, which Murray portrays exceedingly well. Here’s hoping she’s one of the ones who get to live through the wars to come.

10. Syrio Forel – Miltos Yerolemou

Miltos Yerolemou is best known for playing Syrio Forel, the first Sword of Braavos, but he’s played other parts you’d probably recognize him in. However, he doesn’t look all that much like Syrio Forel. From 1997 to 2003, he was a regular on the TV show Hububb, and in 1999 he was in a film adaptation of The Winter’s Tale. Much of his career has played out on the stage, specifically in Shakespeare’s works. However, his other big name role was in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. He could also have been the main villain for season four of The Flash. He talked about his experience on Game of Thrones on Reddit during an AMA and he opened up about working with the actors and the process of shooting scenes on the show.


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Source: therichest.com


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