15 Unattractive Game Of Thrones Characters Who Look Hot In Real Life

6. Theon Greyjoy – Alfie Allen

Theon Greyjoy looks like a bit of a weasel, doesn’t he? We can argue that his frazzled look is the result of the torture he suffered at the hands of Ramsay Bolton, but when we look way back to their first season, he always looked like a soggy weasel that was just pulled out of the pond. We could pin this on the fact that this is just how the actor’s face happens to be, but if we were to see how Alfie Allen looks in real life, we would see that he actually cleans up quite nicely. Once he’s had a shave and combed his hair over, the London native looks like Hollywood leading-man material. Some would argue that with a face like that, Allen automatically becomes husband material.


5. Euron Greyjoy – Pilou Asbæk

In the books, being ugly must have been a hereditary family trait for the Greyjoy clan, and the creators of the series were dead set on making the Greyjoys as ugly as possible. The same goes for Theon’s uncle, Euron Greyjoy. Maybe he just comes off as ugly because he’s riddled with a tacky handlebar mustache, but that’s the ugliest mustache that we’ve seen on a human being. Pilou Asbæk doesn’t look nearly as horrible in the facial region as his Game of Thrones counterpart, but mustaches are a hard look to pass on to anybody, and the handlebar mustache is like a kiss of death as far as looking attractive goes. Thankfully, when he dons a regular beard or opts for the clean-shaven look, the actor actually has some leading-man potential.

4. Robert Baratheon – Mark Addy

Robert Baratheon was the successor to The Mad King, Aerys. The more that Baratheon started to lose his own marbles, the more he drew some of his own comparisons to The Mad King. To make the parallels to The Mad King all the more apparent, Mark Addy was costumed to look, well, mad; a complete and utter mad man. With a wildly unkempt beard, frizzy hair, and an oafish demeanor, Addy certainly looked the part during his stint during Game of Thrones‘ first season on the air. In real life, Addy actually has an unassuming charm to his looks. One may call it the Barney Rubble effect; he may not be Ryan Gosling, but he’s a unique kind of attractive, and it helps that he’s funny. The Barney comparison is ironic considering he actually played Fred Flintstone on the big screen before.

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Source: therichest.com


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