20 Steamiest Photos Of Fast And Furious Cast Members


15. Eva Stuck On You

An actress that has accomplished a lot over her time in the spotlight, Eva Mendes has been in a long list of films that made their mark on pop culture. Principal among them are movies like Training DayGhost Rider, and We Own the Night, to name only a few. An actress that has also found success in the comedy genre, including movies like Hitch and The Other Guys, one of her earlier forays into it, Stuck on You, which this image is a screengrab from, flopped. Barely able to make more than its budget at the box office, when you then factor in the advertising budget, it was in arrears right from the start and that is to say nothing of the fact that it is largely forgotten today. At least we can say that we got to see her looking stunning when we watched it since it was otherwise a waste of time. But her incredible figure is something we could waste a day away while looking at it.

14. Elsa Legs

A Spanish model, film producer, and actress that joined the cast of this franchise when she was introduced as Elena Neves in Fast Five, she would come back again and again. Actually a part of every movie in this series that have been released at the time of this writing, Elsa Pataky is far from the most important part of those films but she shouldn’t be underestimated too. Seen in other movies like Beyond Re-Animator, Snakes on a PlaneGiallo, and Give ‘Em Hell, Malone over the years, she has extended her acting career elsewhere too. Shot here in a kitchen, she is sprawling herself out over a counter and oven while her legs are exposed and any opportunity to see her in such a state is worth our weight in gold.

13. Charlize Æon Flux

In our previous entry that featured an image of Charlize Theron, we touched on the idea that she seems like she is good at every role that she takes on but of course, she is human and has gone astray. Case, in point, even she has been frank about the fact that the movie Æon Flux which she starred in did not work. Speaking of those involved in the making of the film, including herself, she was quoted as saying that they “f–ked it all up.” That said, not everything that came out of the movie was bad as evidenced by an image like this one of her in costume from the film. Wearing an outfit that is tight enough that it seems like it would be hard to get on, to say that it looks good on a body as impressive as hers would be a huge understatement.

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Source: therichest.com


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