Extreme Iconic Celebrity Body Transformations That Will Inspire You To Take Your Own Physique To The Next Level

Christian Bale

ExtremeIconic Physique Transformations That Will Inspire You To Take Yours To The Next Level

Christian Bale is known to get stuck in the skin of the characters he plays, to the point where he pushes his body to extreme lengths to personify the character in every way possible.  From dropping to below 120 pounds to play an anorexic, insomniac factory worker in the Machinist to bulking up to 220 pounds to play Batman, Bale is renowned for transforming his physique over the years successfully and dramatically for the various characters he's played. 

His intense workout includes resistance training, martial arts, plyometric circuits, high-intensity training and a whole lot of compound big lifting movements such as squats, lunge and high pulls to kick-start his metabolism every time he had to lose drastic weight to play a different character. 


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tag: blog , celeb-trending

Source: indiatimes


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