12 Incredibly-Timed Photos That’ll Make Us Think We’re Losing It

12 Incredibly-Timed Photos That’ll Make Us Think We’re Losing It

Sometimes, you take a photo at just the right moment and catch someone at just the wrong time. Whether the subject of that photo is actually doing something wrong or just the unfortunate recipient of bad timing, it’s the kind of pic that makes friends pour salt on the wound for years or your face becomes a viral sensation within minutes.

It doesn’t take a long time to search the Internet to find a plethora of perfectly-timed photos that will make you laugh, cry, giggle, and wonder what the heck is going on. A quick Google search for the term “perfectly-timed photos” would reveal almost 17 million results. From people to animals and objects doing some incredibly wacky things, you could keep yourself entertained for hours if you wanted to.

After laughing for what felt like days, we’ve compiled 10 different photos of our favorites. These are mainly people caught in precarious positions, but their misfortune is our gain and entertainment.

We’re going to assume that all but a couple of the people in the photos were not seriously injured (we’re hoping the two that felt the pain were fine), and we’re going to pretend that these photos are all legit and not some fancy editing work done via Photoshop. Either way, they’re all pretty hilarious. We hope you get a kick out of them as much as we did. Share with your friends, and if enough eyeballs see this post, our next plan is to focus on incredibly-timed photos that deal with exclusively animals.

1. Diving Into Or Hand-standing On Ice?

If this isn’t water this person is diving into (we know it is), then in a second, he’s going to have a very sore head. It appears as though the subject is hand-standing on a reflective frozen lake and goofing around, but that’s just an optical illusion. Instead, the successful dive will bring on some immediate but likely refreshing feelings of cold water hitting the body and the need to hop out and warm up.

If this is a lake that people often go to, it’s not very busy. We have to assume this isn’t exactly the hottest of summer days, and that could explain why the water looks the way it does. We’ll give a six out of ten for the dive and an eight out of ten for a very cool photo.

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tag: blog , facts

Source: therichest


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