10 Food Combinations That You Should Not Eat!

5. Fruits With Meals


The reason behind it is that fruit goes through the stomach fairly quickly, but it takes its time to digest in the intestines. And when you combine it with heavy foods that take much longer to go through the digestive system it will digest even slower. Since fruits come with high amounts of sugar it will bring counterproductive benefits to your health. Instead of combining fruit with your meals you should always eat at 30 to 60 minutes before a meal because this will allow it to prepare your digestive tract and help your stomach work its way through the amount of food you’ll be eating. The enzymes will activate the chemical process of digestion and allow you to feel less tired and less bloated after a heavy meal.

4. Grapefruit Or Limes With Cough  Medicine

It’s important to note that cough medicine should never be combined with fruits like grapefruit no matter how many health benefits it might have. Consuming grapefruit or limes with certain medicine can cause serious chemical imbalances that will stop the medicine from healing your body. These fruits come with high level of an enzyme that’s found in the gut and liver. This enzyme will deactivate some of the effects of the medicine, but increase unwanted higher concentrations of the drug which could lead to serious side effects. Side effects can include a heart block and an abnormally rapid heartbeat, the side effects of kidney damage have also been reported.

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3. Fruit And Flavored Yogurt

This combination might be completely unhealthy for people with digestion issues. We’ve previously talked about the counterproductive effects eating fruit can have on your body. Yogurt is usually considered healthy, but try to stay away from those with fruit at the bottom no matter how tempting they might be. You could actually be consuming too much sugar if you’re not choosing the right yogurt type with the right amount of fruit. Fruit with flavored yogurt can double or even triple the sugar content you’re eating especially if you’re consuming yogurt with a sweetener. It’s also reported that the coldness of the yogurt can also have an effect on your digestion, this can result in stomach pain and weight gain as it can take a long time for the sugar to process in your system.

2. Mac And Cheese

Before you indulge in another plate, you might want to check where your mac and cheese actually came from. It turns out that the combination of the ingredients when mixed with a powder you’d get in a box version of mac and cheese might not be as healthy as we think especially if you’re expecting a baby. A recent study of cheese products detected high levels of chemicals called ‘phthalates’ which can disrupt male hormones and are linked to birth defects when the meal is consumed by pregnant women. Although the presence of these phalates isn’t banned, the Food and Drug Administration did warn federal agencies to assess the potential health risks they might bring to those who are expecting a baby.

1. Tomato And Cucumbers

Tomato and Cucumber salad is a refreshing choice that’s often considered healthy, but is the combination actually beneficial for your health in the long term? We’ve already mentioned the acidity of tomatoes and the effect they might have when combined with pasta, but tomatoes also have the same effect on some of the vegetables you normally put in your salad. They come with an enzyme that usually destroys vitamin C especially when consumed in large portions and since cucumbers are full of vitamins, adding tomatoes to your salad can completely ruin the nutritional benefits you thought you were getting. The acid released in the abdomen can also cause numerous digestive problems and can be one of the main reasons behind irritable bowel syndrome also known as IBS.

tag: blog , health

Source: thehumornation


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