12 Food Safety Mistakes You’re Definitely Making

8. Stay off the highway to the danger zone.

If you've ever worked in a kitchen, you know about the temperatures of the danger zone, where bacteria can double in under 20 minutes. As always, here's a chart.


9. Don't endlessly reuse your rags and cloths.

A wet dishcloth that's been used all week is a breeding ground for harmful bacteria. Remember to thoroughly rinse your cloths between uses and put them in the laundry regularly.

10. Make sure your fridge and freezer are the right temperature.

Many of us never adjust the dial in our fridge, but it's crucial to keep your fridge below 40°F and your freezer below 0°F.

11. Don't eat raw eggs or flour.

Yes, cookie dough is delicious, but it could also give you food poisoning. Raw eggs can contain salmonella while uncooked flour can contain e.coli.

12. Wash your hands (properly)

It's possible to wash your hands improperly. Make sure you're washing them, up to the wrists, for a good 20 seconds with soap and hot water before and after handling food.

tag: blog , health

Source: lifestyle


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