15  Morning habits of successful and highly organized people

15 Morning habits of successful and highly organized people

Having a hard time being organized and fully functional is definitely not something that’s strange or something not familiar to many.

The more everyday life gets filled with dozens of responsibilities and things that need to get done, the bigger is the number of people who develop habits that aren’t the healthiest.


This is why we always ask ourselves how to the people who appear to be perfectly organized even do it.

The reason behind this post is the latter. The truth about organized and successful people is the fact that they always stick to a particular routine that promotes a positive lifestyle and benefits to their overall mindset and further success.

Even though all of this appears to be very hard and challenging, it actually isn’t. We’ve compiled a list that most successful and organized stick to, just to give you the perspective on where to start from.

1. Wake Up Early
Always try your hardest to touch up your sleeping pattern by going to bed earlier, and waking a lot earlier with that too. If this is too hard for you, try to wake up at least fifteen minutes earlier than your usual wake-up time, and after a week or two try waking up even earlier.

Usually, people who tend to be more organized wake up early in the morning, so they get to have more time to do everything they have to. This is going to give you more free time during your busy day as well.

2. No Phone
It’s very important for you not to find yourself scrolling through a lit-up screen first thing early in the morning. Give yourself time to wake up naturally, and once you’re awake, get out of bed immediately, so that you get rid of the sleepy feeling a lot quickly. Not only that, but this takes up a lot of your time which is something that you don’t need to do.

3. Remain Thankful
You should always remember that happiness is not about striving for things that you don’t have yet. Instead, try to feel thankful for what you already have. This is going to make you feel a lot happier and blessed to be alive.

Think about all your privileges and focus on the important things.

Get a journal and try to write something that you’re thankful for. Write at least one sentence per day, even on bad days. Practice optimism because to be optimistic is to train yourself to be thankful and to look on the bright side.

4. Do Something That Makes You Happy
Since doing something that makes you feel positive is of crucial value for you to be more motivated to fulfill your tasks on time, during the day, do a certain activity.

When you wake up, if you really have to check your phone do so, but make sure that any activity that you decide to go for should have a time limit.

Try to make the limit last five to ten minutes. This way you’ll do a joyous activity and feel good about it, but will not go overboard at the same time.

5. Ask the Right Qs
Once you wake up, ask yourself what you would like to do today, if it was your last day on Earth? You don’t have to dive in such deep depths though.

But make sure always to ask yourself the right, constructive questions that are going to help you get to the bottom of a certain situation or problem.

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