5 Health Benefits of Drinking Water First Thing When You Wake Up

5. Stay Full Longer

A huge glass of water first thing in the morning before eating can prevent over-consumption of food. It will help you feel full until noon and keep you away from eating snacks prior huge meals.

You can get the best results through having 1.5 liters (5-6 glasses) of water as you wake up. Try not consuming any solids for an hour. Also, avoid alcoholic beverages before sleeping as it dehydrates the body.

Remember the body is composed of 72% water. Keeping hydrated is important and you can even infuse your water with fruits like lemon and oranges to add more nutrients to it.

What can you say about the health benefits of drinking water after waking up? Are you practicing this habit? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

tag: blog , health

Source: TNP


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