5 unhealthy things not to do after eating

5 unhealthy things not to do after eating

These habits can cause numerous health problems for you:


Smoking is extremely dangerous for our health. Yet, many people just can’t quit this habit. It’s very bad to smoke immediately after you finish a meal even though many people prefer and enjoy doing that. You have to wait for some time to pass before you take a cigarette.. It still hasn’t been scientifically proven, but if you smoke after a meal, you may cause ulcerative colitis or make the irritable bowel syndrome worse.

Consuming fruit

You should always consume fruit before you have a meal, not after the meal because fruit needs special enzymes so that it can be digested. Our organism needs more time to absorb the natural sugars fruit possesses. If you intake fruit after you just had a meal, you may face burping, heartburn and indigestion. If you eat it before meals, you’ll supply your body with plenty of fibers, sugar and nutrients.


Sleeping right after meal

If you go to bed immediately after a meal, you’ll feel discomfort, sleeping problems as well as bloating. There was a particular study on this which managed to prove that people who didn’t go to bed immediately after a meal had a decreased risk of stroke. Make sure you don’t eat for several hours before you go to bed.


During showering, the blood flow in our legs, hands and the whole body becomes increased, but the blood flow in our stomach becomes decreased. This is weakening to our digestive system and it becomes inefficient. That causes various stomach problems.

Drink Tea

Drinking a cup of tea right after a meal can decrease your absorption of iron. Tea is abundant in tannic acid. It binds with the protein and iron in foods, but reduced the absorption of iron by 87%.

If you become deficient in iron, you’ll experience weakness, anemia, chest pain, dizziness, poor appetite, cold hands and feet, extreme fatigue as well as pale skin.

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