6 Common Symptoms Of Heart Attack In Men

5. You have a serious snoring problem

Snoring persistently and feeling breathless while sleeping can increase your chances of a heart attack if you don't treat them on time. Sleeping irregularities and pauses in sleeping can contribute to a high blood pressure and make your heart beat irregularly. This increases your risk of developing heart diseases.



6. You're not able to get/maintain erection

When blood flows into the penis, it makes it firm and hard. However, in case you have damaged blood vessels, the blood will be unable to flow freely in your penis and it might get difficult for you to get an erection or maintain it. This can also be considered a possible cause for erectile dysfunction. Damage in the blood vessels in the penis can well refer to a damage in the blood vessels in the heart. If failed erections continue for too, there are chances that you are more prone to heart attacks.


Heart attacks in men can be prevented by taking steps that allow free flow of blood pumped by the heart throughout the body.

Build-up of plaque happens slowly and gradually over the years. But it can be avoided by incorporating a few healthy steps in your lifestyle. These include exercising regularly, eating a diet which is low in unhealthy fats and is high in healthy veggies and vegetables.


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Other ways of preventing plaque build-up include losing weight in case you're overweight, quitting to smoke, and take less stress. People suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels should be focused on controlling their condition by following the right lifestyle and having proper medications on time.

How to treat symptoms of heart attack in men?

Anyone suffering from heart attack will need emergency treatment. If you are going through symptoms like pain, squeezing or discomfort in the chest; pain that slowly shifts to your arms, shoulders, neck and jaw; feeling short of breath, sweating and nausea; racing heart beat and unconsciousness.

People who have suffered from heart attack once are at higher risks of having them again in future and at risks of stroke. 1 clot in your body can lead to blockages in arteries elsewhere, thus triggering clots.

Treatment options include blood thinning drugs, or drugs that can open your blood vessels and ease the load on your heart. Implantation of stents can be done to open up a clogged artery. Implantation of pacemakers can help in maintaining a steady heart 

Hence, whenever you experience the above symptoms, do visit a doctor. Prevention is definitely better than cure!

tag: blog , health

Source: doctor.ndtv


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