7 Things to keep in mind while buying Organic Foods

7 Things to keep in mind while buying Organic Foods

1. Is buying organic food really worth it?
Isbuying organic food really worth it?


It is hard to believe, but most of the foods we eat today are loaded with chemicals. In this age of massive demands, fruits and vegetables are injected with hormones to make them grow faster. Hence it is always a good idea to turn organic.
Organic foods are those agricultural products, which are produced without using chemical fertilizers or pesticides in a clean and healthy environment, and have high quality nutrition. India is the home to maximum numbers of organic farmers, however there are some who indulge in fraudulent practices and sell inorganic foods as organic ones. Here, we give you 7 tips on how you should choose an organic product from the supermarket.

2. Organic labels
Food labelled as organic might not be organic at all and hence you should look for a government certification such as USDA. Do check for these certified labels on organic products.
3. Heavy metals
Sometimes, organic products tend to be high on heavy metals. This is particularly true in case of organic Ayurvedic medicines. Hence, you must always check if the brand has tested for heavy metals.
4. Price
Sometimes, organic companies tend to overcharge the customers. Thus, if you are shopping organic products from a supermarket, you should compare the prices of different brands and go for the reasonable one. A cheap organic product doesn’t mean a low quality one.

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