8 Serious Diseases Signaled by Our Skin

6. Rashes

Any sudden rashes on your skin show that there is something wrong with your body. It could be an allergy to food, home chemicals, medical drugs, or even a contagious disease, such as chicken pox.


In any case, it is better to turn to a doctor because allergic reactions can lead to very serious consequences, such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome or Lyell’s syndrome. Chicken pox, on the other hand, can cause complications, especially with adults.

5. Edemas

If you have edemas every day, it is worth seeing an endocrinologist because they can be a sign of hypothyroidism.

This condition can occur when the thyroid gland fails to produce sufficient quantities of hormones. The following symptoms can accompany this disease: dry skin, face and limb edemas, hair loss, fragile nails, and weight gain. If you have them, visit a doctor immediately.

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tag: blog , health

Source: brightside


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