Avoid These 7 Foods That Increase Your Blood Sugar Levels

6. Whole Milk

Did you know that whole-milk dairy products are also filled with saturated fats? These are the prime suspects in life-threatening conditions such as heart disease.

Study shows that a diet that is high in saturated fats is associated to both insulin resistance and obesity. Change to no-fat or 1% dairy products, so that you can get all the benefits of calcium without the drawbacks, and therefore reduce calories to help with weight loss.

7. Raisins

Health professionals recommend raisins and other dried fruit because it is loaded in iron, B vitamins and potassium. But, they can play havoc with a diabetic patient’s blood sugar level.

Upon dehydration, the fruit’s natural sugar becomes concentrated. A 1.5-ounce box of raisins provides at least 34 grams of carbohydrates, which is the equivalent of the carbohydrate count in 2 slices of white bread.

Also, portions play a huge role in the glucose process. Just a few raisins probably won’t put a diabetic patient’s blood sugar level into the danger zone. But, consuming a bag full though, is not healthy for anyone, most especially for diabetics who have to carefully manage their condition.

Sometimes foods that you have never expect, can affect your blood sugar. That is why it is very important to be mindful to the way in which each food affects you. Always keep track of what you eat, and what it does to your blood sugar levels.

tag: blog , health

Source: 1mhealthtips


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