Avoid These 9 Things If You Want To Cut Your Risk Of Colon Cancer In Half

6. Not keeping your weight in check

Not keeping your weight in check can increase the risk of several diseases including colon cancer. Excess belly fat is the most dangerous type of fat on the body and the main culprit for several life-threatening diseases.

7. Physical inactivity

The general physically inactive lifestyle of today is quickly becoming a major health concern around the world. No physical activity means impaired blood flow which causes accumulation of toxins and bacteria in the tissues and the development of cancer.

8. Alcohol abuse

A drink or two won’t harm your health, but drinking more than that every day is a sure way for the development of various diseases including colon cancer.

9. Garlic

If you want to reduce the risk of colon and other types of cancer, you should start eating garlic today. Garlic is a powerful vegetable with numerous health benefits that will certainly improve your overall health and protect your body from numerous diseases.

The best way to steer clear of any type of cancer is to eat a healthy diet and stay fit. If you’re suspecting colon cancer, we suggest scheduling an immediate colonoscopy which can help the doctor detect the problem. Some of the signs of colon cancer are similar to less dangerous conditions, so make sure not to panic – just go to your doctor and allow them to do their job.

tag: blog , health

Source: qatarday


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