Bad habits that may be damaging your Kidneys

Bad habits that may be damaging your Kidneys

A lack of physical activity, bad habits like smoking or drinking, and not getting enough sleep can have real repercussions on your kidneys and overall health.
Your kidneys are actually a very important part of your body. They are in charge of cleaning toxins in your blood and regulating the balance of salt and water in your body.

Another primary function of the kidneys is to remove excess water from the body. They also help retain water when the body needs more.

Moreover, the kidneys help regulate the levels of minerals like calcium and phosphate in the body. They also produce important hormones that help regulate body functions like blood pressure and making of red blood cells to carry oxygen and important nutrients throughout the body.


To stay healthy, it is essential to keep the kidneys functioning properly. Some common symptoms that can indicate kidney problems are a change in color and quantity of your urine, dizziness, vomiting, anemia, breathing issues, feeling cold most of the time, tiredness or fatigue, itchy skin, bad breath and sudden pain in the body.

Looking after your kidneys goes hand in hand with looking after your health and well-being. If you want your kidneys to thrive and serve you well for the foreseeable future, here is a list of habits you should avoid:


Cigarettes contain a very large amount of harmful substances. While we usually just think about our lungs, it’s much more than that.

Toxins travel through your body through your blood. When they get to your kidneys, they have to work overtime to remove what’s hurting you.

Of course, they can’t get rid of 100% of the toxins: particles get deposited in them, thus weakening them.


A healthy diet is important for good kidney function. Vitamin B6 deficiency increases your risk of kidney stones. For optimal kidney function, you should consume at least 1.3 milligrams of vitamin B6 daily. The richest sources of this vitamin include fish, chickpeas, beef liver, potatoes and starchy vegetables, and non-citrus fruits.


If you don’t get enough magnesium, calcium can’t get properly absorbed and assimilated, which can result in calcium overload and kidney stone formation. To prevent that, consume green leafy vegetables, beans, seeds and nuts. The mighty avocado is a good source of magnesium as well.


In this case, the process is similar to what happens with smoking. However, alcohol affects your liver and kidneys in equal proportions.

Renal function worsens when your body continually receives high amounts of toxic or harmful substances.

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