
Boil Bananas Before Bed, Drink The Liquid And You Will Not Believe What Happens To Your Sleep!

We’ve all had those restless nights of tossing and turning, staring at the ceiling, unable to get more than a couple hours of shuteye.

The more you worry about not sleeping, the more your mind races, and next thing you know, the sun is peeking through the window.


I’ve spent one too many nights this way and needed to put an end to my poor sleeping patterns. I came across this delicious tea recipe and it improved my cycle completely.

Irregular sleeping patterns or even insomnia can stem from several different things like depression, stress and anxiety.

Almost every night, I would get into bed and my mind would be racing. Whether I was thinking about work, family, or simply the things I needed to get done the next day, I just couldn’t allow myself to relax. If your mind is active, chances are you won’t fall asleep.

tag: blog , health

Source: naturalcarebox


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