Check out what These 8 Pains In Your Body Actually Mean

Pain In the Back of the Ear: It can be difficult to identify what is causing your headache. But if you have a persistent pain in the back of your ear, it can be a number of things according to Healthline. One of the reasons could be that you have pinched nerves in your neck. You can get pinched nerves in your neck if you keep it bent for a long period of time. Another reason you might have pain in the back of your ear is dental problems. Healthline explains that if you have an abscessed tooth or, or other dental issues, it can cause pain behind the ear.



Sharp Pain In Your Head: WebMD states that if you are experiencing a sharp pain in your head at least a few times a month, it could be occipital neuralgia. This condition occurs when the nerves that are running from the spinal cord to the scalp become inflamed. You will either feel pain on the back of your head or on the base of the skull.

Muscle Cramp: There are a couple reasons why you might have a muscle cramp according to the Mayo Clinic. The first reason is inadequate blood supply. Your arteries become narrow and you could feel muscle cramps in your legs and feet while you’re exercising. The second reason is nerve compression. If the nerves in your spine are compressed, you may feel cramp-like pain in your legs.

Sharp Stomach Pain: There are many different causes for stomach pain. If you experience this pain once in a while, Medical News Today states that it could just be an acid reflux. They add that if you experience this pain a couple of times a day, it could be a stomach or peptic ulcer.

 Leg Pain: The arteries in your legs can become damaged and narrowed just like the arteries that are connected to your heart. If this happens, you can experience lower leg pain when you’re walking, climbing the stairs or any other kind of exercise, says WebMD. This is called peripheral arterial disease. If you start feeling these symptoms, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have this disease, but it does indicate that you should go speak to a doctor and get a proper diagnosis.

Sudden Back Pain: The first cause for sudden back pain is an injury. If you are exercising or overexerting your back, you increase the chances of pulling a muscle or straining it, according to WebMD. But if you have constant stress or poor posture, it can eventually lead to back spasms and chronic aching. WebMD adds that there is pressure on the spine, which can result from a herniated disc; it can also cause sudden back pain.

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Source: loopfyblog


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