Do you wrap your hair in a towel when you get out of the shower? You’re making a big mistake!

– Showering only with hot water

Although showering with cold water is not as comforting as doing it with very hot water, it has numerous advantages: it stimulates circulation, keeps your skin fresh, you feel more energetic and it also it has antidepressant effects. So if you can’t stand a shower with cold water, try doing a cold rinse for 30 seconds at the end.


-Conditioning all your hair

Conditioning all your hair seems like the right thing to do, but it can actually leave your hair looking dull and greasy. If you have long hair, try only using conditioner on the ends. Another trick is to apply the conditioner BEFORE using shampoo so the greasy effect of the conditioner is washed away.

-Wrapping your long hair in a towel

This picture below isn’t meant to be taken literally, but wrapping your hair in a towel after your shower can actually damage it. It’s better to squeeze out the excess moisture with a towel instead of rubbing, which can leave it tangled.

-Shaving under the water

According to experts, shaving body hair while water is flowing over it can cause severe skin irritation. But if you insist on shaving in the shower, use special shaving gels and warm or cold water.

So, how many of these bad habits do you have? I know I’ll be making some changes to my morning shower routine. Try them out and feel the difference… your skin and hair will thank you!

tag: blog , health

Source: themagicoflife


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