Early signs that cancer is growing in your body

Early signs that cancer is growing in your body

Routine checks at the doctor will surely not protect you from cancer on their own. Early detection is key if you want to survive the disease, which is why you need to listen to your body and recognize the signs sooner rather than later. Here are the main symptoms of cancer you should look out for:

Wheezing and shortness of breath

Both symptoms have been reported as some of the earliest signs of lung cancer, so make sure you don’t overlook them.


Chronic cough and chest pain

These symptoms are usually a sign of leukemia or lung tumors. If you notice them going on for longer, visit a doctor to make sure it’s not cancer.

Frequent fever or infections

These symptoms are an early indication of leukemia, a blood cancer that begins in the bone marrow. Leukemia causes production of abnormal white blood cells which can damage your immune system and make it difficult for your body to fight infections.

Difficulty swallowing

Difficulty swallowing is not an innocent symptom – it may be a sign of throat or esophageal cancer. If you suddenly have difficulty swallowing, visit a doctor immediately.

Swollen lymph nodes and lumps in the neck

Swollen lymph nodes can indicate an infections or tumors in the lymphatic system, so don’t disregard the lumps on your neck.

Excessive bruising and bleeding that doesn’t stop

These symptoms are often a sign of changes in the red blood cells, probably caused by leukemia which is known to crowd them out. Besides this, leukemia can also prevent your blood from clotting.

Weakness and fatigue

Don’t think that weakness and fatigue are just a sign of too much physical work – they can sometimes be a sign of cancer, so you should visit a doctor if you’re feeling tired all the time.

Bloating and abdominal weight gain

If you’re bloated even after light meals, visit a doctor as it can be a sign of ovarian cancer.

Feeling full and unable to eat

This is also a symptom of ovarian cancer which is often mistaken for something else.

Pelvic and abdominal pain

These symptoms are signs of ovarian cancer and should be definitely checked at a doctor.

Rectal bleeding and blood in the stool

If you notice blood in your stool, you should be concerned and visit a doctor immediately. Both symptoms are most often a sign of colorectal cancer which is deadly in the final stages.

Unexplained weight loss

Losing weight all of a sudden is not a reason to celebrate – it can be a sign of some type of digestive cancer and may also indicate that the disease has spread to the liver.

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