Ginger and Moringa: The miraculous combination that fights the deadliest diseases of the 21st century!


Ginger is a root that is used mostly to season foods, but its qualities do not end there. This powerful root is also widely used to combat various diseases, such as coughs, colds, diarrhea, diabetes and some stomach problems.


Recent studies have shown that ginger is very good at combating, among other things, type 2 diabetes, since it is regularly and consistently consumed and helps to lower and control the levels of blood sugar that is responsible for this and others Evils

Dizziness for travel: In order to avoid this, it is advisable to consume ginger 3 hours before boarding the plane, car, boat, etc. It prevents dizziness by movement (called motion sickness). In the case of long trips, the specialists recommend consuming ginger half an hour before and in the middle of the crossing re-ingest again. Drinking an infusion of the dried root (obtained in dietetics) is a very good idea or mixed with fruits.

Chemotherapy Treatment: Cancer patients consume ginger to reduce vomiting after a lightning strike. You should know that you should not eat when your stomach is empty.

Pregnancy: Pregnant women can ingest ginger to reduce dizziness and vomiting in the first few months. An infusion of half a teaspoon of dried root is made in a cup of water and is drunk several times per day. This treatment can not be continued for more than two months in a row.

Post operative is that this root reduces the negative effects of several drugs that are used in surgeries. It should be taken one day before the surgery, if you have the doctor’s authorization.

Ginger is also good to prevent the appearance of ulcers because of its antibacterial power, especially a species that with its secretions alter the gastric juices. Also, this root serves to balance the production of liquids inside the stomach.



-85 g fresh ginger

-10 pretty green moringa leaves

-A teaspoon of honey (optional)

-4 cups water


Wash ginger root very well and cut into slices, boil them together with the 4 cups of water for 10 minutes, turn off the heat and add the moringa leaves, cover and let stand for 5 minutes. Strain the mixture and you’re ready to drink. If you wish you can add a teaspoon of honey

Take this infusion one cup in the morning and another before bed.

tag: blog , health

Source: healthylifeidea


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