Millet has numerous health benefits and can be used in treatment of many diseases.

How To Remove Kidney Stones In Just 10 Days!

Millet has numerous health benefits and can be used in treatment of many diseases.

In alternative medicine, millet is used for treating:


Urolithiasis (formation of stones in the urine and urinary tract)

Cleaning kidneys

Removing sand and slime

Elimination of small stones from the kidneys and the bladder

Acute and chronic cystitis, typical for women

This recipe has amazing healing properties and it has long been used in Russian alternative medicine as natural remedy for treating kidney disease. It can help you with:

Cleaning the kidneys

Secretion of mucus

Elimination of sand and small stones

The Recipe:

In the evening, wash 1 cup (about 200g) of millet in warm water and leave it overnight.  Take one larger pot (about 3 liters), add the millet and fill 2/3 of the pot with boiling water. Cover the pot and wrap it up in some warm cloth and leave it overnight.

The next morning, shake it well and transfer into jars. You will see white nontransparent liquid in the jars.

You can drink as much as you can throughout the day, at any time. Use the millet to prepare a healthy porridge for breakfast. Boil 1 cup of millet and 3 cups of water for 15 minutes until you get a mixture and you already have healthy breakfast.

Repeat the procedure for the next morning and expect results in the next 10-15 days.

After 10-15 days you will have the following benefits:

Elimination of the stones through the urine

Your kidneys will be cleaned

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tag: blog , health

Source: qatarday


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