Neck And Shoulder Pain? Try These 5 Exercises At Your Desk

Neck And Shoulder Pain? Try These 5 Exercises At Your Desk

While many believe desk jobs to be cushy with central air-conditioning and cushioned chairs, it has its downsides as well. The most debilitating of them all is body pain, especially in the area of the neck, shoulders and back. You may not associate bodily pain with snugly sitting at one's desk but in reality, that's one of the primary causes of it.

If your job involves sitting at a desk in front of a computer or laptop for hours at a stretch, you may notice a dull pain developing at the neck. While that is manageable by switching your position, what is troubling is if this pain turns into a sharp, shooting one. That happens when your body isn't positioned properly, distance from your laptop isn't right or eye level isn't aligned to your device, causing strain on the body.


You can fix this easily with these exercises. Not only will they stretch your body and reduce pain, you can also try them your desk.

1. Take a deep breath in and out. While breathing in, shrug your shoulder tightly until they reach ear level. Then breathe out slowly and loosen them to their original position. Repeat this exercise six times. It works wonderfully to release shoulder muscle tension.

2. Clench your fist and extend your hand forward. Keep your arm still and make small circles with your fist from your wrist. Now repeat this exercise five times and do so for the other hand too. Since we're constantly using the keyboard, one's arms and in turn, back can also get affected for which, this exercise is very useful.

3. Sit straight on a chair and begin breathing in and out. When you breathe in, twist your body from the waist up to your left until you can touch the back of your chair with your right hand. While breathing out, repeat the twist on the right side of with your left hand. Repeat it thrice on each side. This exercise will loosen the tightness from the entire upper body.

4. Sit straight in a chair with your palms facing downwards besides you. Now tilt your head to the left until your left ear is tilted near your shoulder. Hold in place for five seconds then go back to your original position. Repeat this movement on your right hand side and the exercise twice. It'll help immensely with neck and back pain.

5. While sitting on a chair, place the ankle of your right leg on the knee of your left. Tilt your body forward while keeping your back straight. Hold this position for 10 seconds then change the legs and repeat this exercise thrice.

Try these simple stretching exercises every few hours so that even if you can't move from your desk, neck or back pain won't affect you.

tag: blog , health

Source: swirlster.ndtv


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