Top 10 Health Benefits of Papaya and Papaya Seeds


8. Helps Maintain Healthy Weight


Papayas are high in vitamin A and C, folate, fiber and potassium. These nutrients are good for your health. Moreover, the fruit is rich in fiber that makes you feel fuller for longer and also prevents constipation. A small papaya provides almost 11% of the recommended daily value of fiber required in the diet.


It also has papain, a unique natural enzyme that aids in digestion and promotes faster movement of food through your gut. Poor digestion is often attributed to poor nutrition as well as weight problems. This makes papaya a great aid for weight management.

The fruit is cholesterol free, fat free and very low in calories and therefore it is an excellent food for those on a diet. If you are interested in maintaining healthy weight, you can eat papayas raw or cooked.


9. Helps Treat Hypertension


Papaya is a good source of potassium, a kind of mineral that counteracts the effects of sodium and helps keep blood pressure levels within a normal range.

This is why health experts recommend that patients suffering from hypertension include papaya in their daily diet. To increase the amount of papaya in your diet, you can add this fruit to salads or spicy salsas.

10. Boosts Immune System


shieldbody from virus
Papaya contains a high amount of vitamin C that helps increase white blood cells and protects cells from free radical damage.

Other powerful immune-boosting antioxidant vitamins in papaya are A and E. Both vitamin A and E are required for the proper functioning of a healthy immune system. This makes papaya very good for those who frequently suffer from colds, coughs or the flu.

Now you have 10 extra reasons beyond the wonderful taste of papayas to include this food in your diet. You can eat the fruit as a salad, a smoothie, a milkshake or simply as a fruit snack.

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