Top 10 Superfoods for Healthy Hair

7. Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is a great food for your hair. It contains whey and casein, two high-quality proteins that prevent dry scalp. Without adequate protein, hair can become dry, brittle and damaged.

Plus, cottage cheese has vitamins D and B-5, which play a major role in hair growth. It is also a good source of all the essential amino acids needed for healthy, beautiful hair.


You can eat cottage cheese as a snack, or try including a few cubes of cottage cheese in your salad or soup.
8. Green Peas

Green peas contain a wide variety of vitamins and minerals that are essential for healthy hair. They have iron, zinc, and potassium that keeps hair vibrant and strong.

Peas also contain B vitamins, such as folate, B6 and B12, required to create red blood cells that carry oxygen and nutrients throughout the body, including to your scalp. Plus, the high amount of vitamin C present in peas is needed in the hair follicles for optimal growth.

You can eat both raw and cooked peas to enjoy healthy hair. Boiled peas can be added to salad, soup or any kind of dish.

9. Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are one of the best foods you can add to your diet if you want healthy hair. Pumpkin seeds contain protein, zinc, selenium, biotin, potassium, copper, iron, B vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium and calcium. They are also high in omega-6 fatty acids that contribute to healthy as well as thick and shiny hair.

You can eat lightly roasted pumpkin seeds as a snack, add a spoonful to salad or soup, or sprinkle some in your bread or other baking recipes for added flavor.

10. Mango

Mangos are rich in vitamins and minerals that nourish as well as promote hair growth. This juicy fruit is rich in vitamin C, an essential for making collagen that gives structure to hair. Vitamin C also helps with absorption of iron in the blood. Iron deficiency disrupts the normal hair growth cycle and may result in hair loss.
Plus, mangos have vitamins A and E. While vitamin A helps fight dandruff, vitamin E improves scalp circulation and encourages hair growth.

You can eat mangos as a whole fruit or drink mango juices or smoothies. Mango slices are also a tasty addition to yogurt.

You can improve the growth, texture, shine and overall health of your hair by eating these flavorful superfoods that can be easily incorporated into your diet.

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