What You Can Do About Bad Breath

5. Kick the tobacco habit.
Besides causing cancer, smoking can damage your gums, stain your teeth, and give you bad breath.

Over-the-counter nicotine patches can help tame the urge. If you need a little help, make an appointment with your doctor to talk about quit-smoking programs or prescription medications that can help you give up tobacco for good.

6. Skip after-dinner mints and chew gum instead.
The bacteria in your mouth love sugar. They use it to make acid. This wears down your teeth and causes bad breath. Chew sugarless gum instead.

"Gum stimulates saliva, which is the mouth's natural defense mechanism against plaque acids, which cause tooth decay and bad breath," Quinones says.

7. Keep your gums healthy.
Gum disease causes bad breath. Bacteria gather in pockets at the base of teeth, which creates an odor.

If you have gum disease, your dentist may suggest you see a periodontist, who specializes in treating it.


8. Moisten your mouth.
You can get tooth decay and bad breath if you don't make enough saliva. If your mouth is dry, drink plenty of water during the day.

Chew sugarless gum or suck on sugar-free hard candy. Also try a humidifier at night to moisten the air in your house.

9. See your doctor.
If your bad breath continues despite your best efforts, make an appointment with your doctor. He'll check to see if your problems are related to a medical condition.

tag: health , blog , oral

Source: webmd


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