Why 3 lemons placed in your bedroom? how do you sleep?

Why 3 lemons placed in your bedroom? how do you sleep?

Lemon can elevate your mood and is often recommended for treating depression and anxiety.

But did you know it can help you sleep too?

Lemons by Bedside Trick


To improve your life, cut three lemons and place them at your bedside. Leave it overnight. Repeat every day. The following are its benefits:

It will help you breathe better. When you breathe better, you sleep better!

It removes hangover and tiredness. You will wake up feeling fresh.

It is a good air freshener. Your room will look and feel fresh.

You will be full of energy throughout the day. This trick works better than all the energy drinks available in the market. Try it out, and you will soon see the results.

Bonus: Use Lemon Essential Oil for Natural Cleaning, Beauty Enhancement, and Better Health

According to Alva’s Ayurveda Medical College assistant professor, Dr. J.V. Hebbar, the benefits, and uses of lemon essential oil include:

Laundry – In case you leave your laundry sitting in the washer too long, just add a few drop of lemon EO and your clothes won’t get that nasty smell.

Teeth Whitener – Mix lemon essential oil, baking soda, and coconut oil and rub on your teeth for 2 minutes and then dense as a natural teeth whitener.

Clean Hands – Got greasy hands from working on your car or bike and regular soap isn’t doing the trick? No worries, just add a couple of drops of lemon EO with your soap and get your clean hands back!

Natural Disinfectant – Want to steer away from alcohol and bleach to disinfect your countertops and clean your moldy shower? Add 40 drops lemon oil and 20 drops tea tree oil to a 16-oz spray bottle fill with pure water (and a little bit of white vinegar) for a traditional cleaning favorite.

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