Why You Must Never Drink Mountain Dew Again (You’D Never Think It Was This Bad)

3. Brominated Vegetable Oil (BVO)

Brominated vegetable oil is derived from corn or soy and is a synthetic compound that is added as an emulsifier. BVO is a common endocrine disruptors that prevent your body’s absorption of iodine. Studies suggest that this synthetic compound can build up in human tissues and may cause reproductive and behavioral problems in large doses.

Some health problems that may manifest from bromine toxicity include psychotic symptoms, skin rashes, severe acne, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, loss of muscle coordination, and in more severe cases, cardiac arrhythmias (abnormal heartbeat rate), even memory loss.

4. High Sugar Content

Mountain Dew has a very high sugar content that adds on to its acidity and toxicity. Here’s a chart to show you how much sugar is in this beverage.

A study out of Maquarie University showed that sugar and caffeine when combined and fed to rats produced lasting changes to brain chemistry. This could allude to how sugary sodas and energy drinks could possibly affect human brains.


Researchers from the University of California in San Francisco found that those who drink just 20 Fl.oz. of sugary soda a day may take as much as 4 years off of their lifespan. Not only do soft drinks contribute to disease, but they also shorten telomeres, which are the areas on our genes responsible for aging.

5. It Harms Your Reproductive System

There have been claims on numerous occasions that the consumption of

Mountain Dew can shrink a man’s reproductive organs. Although there is not much direct evidence to back up these claims, there still may be some correlation between the two.

Namely, your hormones can become imbalanced by the Mountain Dew containers. In other words, BPA is found in the linings of the bottles of Mountain Dew, with the aim of preventing the container from being destroyed by the acidity of the drink.

Additionally, research has shown that this compound can affect fertility rates and can lead to numerous health problems including:

Adverse reproductive effects

Developmental problems

Neurological complications

Immune deficiency

6. Hygiene

In 2009, Ronald Ball discovered something jelly-like in his Mountain Dew drink that he had purchased from a vending machine at his work. When he poured out the contents of the can, the remnants of a tiny mouse came out along with the jelly-like substance.

After Ball contacted Pepsi and told them about the situation, they sent a representative to retrieve the mouse remnants from Ball. According to reports, Pepsi later responded by stating that the mouse would have long dissolved before Ball would have had the chance to open the can of Mountain Dew.

It is difficult to tell which part of this story is more disturbing. Is it the fact that a man claims that he had found a mouse in his can of Mountain Dew, or the fact that Pepsi has publicly claimed that Mountain Dew has the ingredients necessary to fully dissolve an entire mouse? Either way, it would probably be a good idea to just avoid Mountain Dew altogether so you don’t have to find out. Yikes!

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