Wi-Fi: the silent killer in our home

4. Increased risk of cancer

Being exposed to electromagnetic frequency radiation from Wi-Fi may have side effects, which can lead to increased risk of tumor development.

5. Cardiac Stress

A great number of people suffer from electromagnetic radiation and experience a physical response, like high heart rate. As a result of this, exposure to electromagnetic radiation increases the risk of experiencing cardiovascular diseases.

6. Insomnia

Wi-Fi greatly influences sleep quality. If you cannot fall asleep, or if you have irregular sleeping patterns, it may be a result of reduced frequency modulation from Wi-Fi or mobile phones. In fact, people who are constantly exposed to electromagnetic radiation are more likely to experience sleeping difficulties. On the other hand, bad sleep quality is harmful for the overall health.



Luckily, there a few ways which will help you to prevent yourself from the Wi-Fi damage, including:

• Do not keep your mobile phone in the pocket.
• Do not place the wireless router in the bedroom or in the kitchen.
• At home, it is best to use wired phones, as they lower electromagnetic radiation.
• In case you are pregnant, avoid keeping the mobile phone near the belly.
• Use texting instead of talking on the mobile phone.
• Keep the mobile phone at the seat of your car, or at the other end of the room.
• Before going to bed, disconnect all Wi-Fi routers in your home.
• Avoid using wireless baby monitors, because they function on microwave frequency.
• Minimize the time you spend with wireless devices.
• Turn off Wi-Fi when you do not use it.

tag: blog , health


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