World Oral Health Day 2018: Here’s How Dentists Take Care Of Their Own Teeth

World Oral Health Day 2018: Here’s How Dentists Take Care Of Their Own Teeth

World Oral Health Day (WOHD) is celebrated every year on 20 March. It is an international day to celebrate the benefits of a healthy mouth and to promote worldwide awareness of the issues around oral health and the importance of oral hygiene to looking after everyone old and young. This year, the theme of WOHD is 'Say Ahh'. This phrase is usually used by dentists during oral check-ups. It basically invites more and more people to be a part of this initiative and understand how and why oral health affects overall health. If we look at the need of it, it is pretty obvious as to why oral health plays an important role in our daily lives. And when we say proper oral health care, we are not just referring to curing yellow teeth and treating bad breath. Oral health focuses on a very wide spectrum. From whiter and brighter teeth to the strength of the tooth enamel, everything forms a part of oral health. 



Problems in our mouth can affect the rest of the body. The mouth is full of bacteria. Normally the body's natural defenses and good oral health care, such as brushing daily and flossing, helps keep these bacteria under control. However, without proper hygiene, bacteria levels can be so harmful that it might lead to oral infections, such as tooth decay or gum disease.

Poor oral health may result in the following health conditions.


Cardiovascular disease

Lung disease

Premature birth and low birth weight



Alzheimer's disease

How to ensure good oral health?

The best way of doing things is to know how the experts do it. So here's your guide to the dental care routine of our expert. Associate Dentist Dr. Vandana Sehgal gives her set of tips as to how dentists take care of their oral health. Take a look.

Brushing your teeth last thing at night and at least one other time during the day, with a fluoride toothpaste

Cleaning between the teeth with 'interdental' brushes or floss at least once a dayGood eating habits - having sugary foods and drinks less often, andRegular dental check-ups every 6 monthsDental care tipsUse soft toothbrushApply right technique of tooth brushingAvoid hard brushingGet dental scaling every 6months(dental cleaning done by a dentist)

tag: blog , health

Source: doctor.ndtv


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