10 Stunning Photos That Prove You Have No Clue How Food Is Grown

10 Stunning Photos That Prove You Have No Clue How Food Is Grown

Do we really know how our food is produced? We all enjoy eating delicious foods, but most of us truly have no clue how it came to be what is on our plate.

We’re about to throw back the curtain on some of them:


1) Pineapples

These come from crazy spiky looking bushes that grow out of the ground. The fruit comes from the middle of the plant.

2) Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds come from sprouts plants that grow straight up and tall out of the ground inside of little pods known as “buds.”

3) Artichokes

Artichokes come from big pretty purple flower with feathery tops.

4) Brussel Sprouts

Brussel sprouts are a member of the Germmifera group of cabbages and grow from a leafy green plant that is about 2.5 to 4 cm in diameter. They grow in a cluster and look like little cabbages.

5) Capers

Capers grow on a vine of pretty white flowers. They are the unopened buds of the flowers.

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tag: blog , information

Source: moon-child


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