7 People Who Became Crazy Famous Overnight On The Internet For Some Truly Bizarre Reasons

5. Dr. Mike

This real-life McDreamy is the stuff of wet dreams. How else would you explain the 2.6 million followers the guy has amassed on Instagram since his first pictures went viral?

6. Omar Borkan Al Gala

The man was deemed "too handsome" and was ordered out of Saudi Arabia for his ridiculously good looks that had the power to distract women. Well, it did. Within the first 48 hours of this news making headlines, Omar received more than 800,000 followers on social media. 

OmarBorkan Al Gala

7. Madhura Honey

She was widely referred to as the "photobomb girl" - the girl dressed in red-and-blue who walked with the Indian contingent in the London Olympics opening parade. The entire nation wondered who the woman was. It was later revealed that her name was Madhura Honey, who resided in London at the time. After her photos went viral, she deactivated her Facebook account and led to an inquiry into how she managed to walk with the Indian contingent without any permission. 


There you go. Achieving fame is as easy as selling chai or being a part of a selfie. Time to stop being the Retweeter. Be the Retweeted! 


tag: blog , information

Source: indiatimes


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