Little Boy From Titanic Reveals How Much He Still Makes From The Film

Reece said:

"It’s weird because it’s not present in my mind anymore,

It’s not like, ‘Oh, when am I going to get a new ‘Titanic’ check?’ When it happens, it’s like, ‘Oh, cool, an extra $100."

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Beginning his unique career as a child model, Reece’s turned down the chance for him to appear in a gas station advertisement to appear in what would become a monolithic hit.

Reece also offered an interesting insight into being a voyager on one of the biggest films of all time:


"It turned out to be one of the highest-grossing films in history, so it’s pretty bizarre in retrospect,

My mom was like: ‘Let’s just do it. It’ll be cool. Even if the movie sucks, we’ll see it.’ Obviously, it ended up exploding, so that wasn’t a bad decision on her part, that’s for sure."

Nobody could have guessed the success of Titanic, which brought in $28.6 million during the US opening weekend alone when it was released 19 December 1997.

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Reece’s mum absolutely made the right decision, even though it had seemed a risk at the time. Perhaps wisdom Rose should have taken on board before hogging that entire wardrobe to herself…

tag: blog , celeb-trending

Source: unilad


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