5 Slowest Animals in the World

1. Garden Snail


The slowest animal on the Earth is a garden snail. It is a species of the land snails. This little creature is a native of the Mediterranean region. It belongs to the group of animals of the terrestrial mollusc group. These snail species are found in the wetlands.

The animal does not have legs. It leaves behind wet trail along the path it is moving. The snail has a thick coiled shell over it. This also can be a reason for their slow movement. They move via muscle contraction. One more interesting fact about these snails, apart from their slowest speed is that they make hibernation for years and years. They hide from sunlight.

A garden snail moves at a speed of 1.3 cm per second. It is the highest speed that it can achieve. It moves less than a meter in a minute. It takes about 21 hours or more to cover one kilometre.


This makes the garden snail the slowest animal on the Earth.

These were the top 10 slowest animals in the world.

tag: blog , nature

Source: teninsider


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