Top 10 Fastest Land Animals In The World

9. African Wild Dog – 44 Miles Per Hour

fastestland animals

Inhabit in the Sub – Saharan Africa, African wild dog is one of the most endangered mammals in the world. This extremely social animal live in large packs that contain up to 40 members. African wild dogs are opportunistic predators who mainly target antelopes and gazelles. While chasing speed give them a significant advantage. These wild dogs are capable of running at speed up to 44 mph.


 10. Kangaroo – 44 Miles Per Hour


Instead of walk or run kangaroos hop to move from one place to another. They can cover a distance of 9 meters in just one hop. Their two strong legs fuel the energy for such an incredible leap. The long, muscular tail of a kangaroo also play a significant role in by providing the proper balance.

In a typical case, a kangaroo moves or hop at a speed of 15 to 25 mph.  At this range, they can save energy and also can cover long distances. But, if needed, for a short distance they can achieve a speed of 44 mph.



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