6 Best Home Remedies For Respiratory Tract Infections

6 Best Home Remedies For Respiratory Tract Infections

A viral infection in the respiratory tract is known as an RTI or respiratory tract infection. This one is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract including the sinuses, tranchea, larynx and pharynx. Such infections spread easily to one another. They include symptoms like wheezing, running nose, congestion, cough, scratchy and sore throat and more. You can opt for medication for such infections which cause inflammation in your respiratory tract. But these medicines tend to make you sleepy and inefficient at work. This is when you can make use of home remedies for respiratory tract infections.


These home remedies are the most natural ways of dealing with such problems can be performed at home and without any hassle whatsoever. Here we enlist 6 most effective home remedies for respiratory tract infections. Take a look.


1. Inhaling steam

This one is definitely the best home remedy for respiratory tract infections. All you need to do is boil one litre of water and add a piece of camphor to it. Now inhale this steam for 10 to 15 minutes. It will help in clearing blocked respiratory tracts by melting mucus membranes. It is a natural treatment for nasal congestion which relieves and lubricates your respiratory tract. However, it is not recommended for kids, pregnant women or any person with high blood pressure.


2. Salt water gargle

Gargling every morning with warm salt water can be beneficial for your respiratory tract. It is an effective home remedy for relieving an irritated nose and throat. It helps in thinning the mucus, thereby making it easier for you to expel it. All you need to do is take a glass of lukewarm water and add one teaspoon of salt to it. Now dissolve the salt in this and gargle with this every morning. You could also try preparing this solution, putting it into your nostrils and passing it through your nose every day to clear the nasal passages.

saltwater gargle medicinal properties

3. Ginger

You name the ailment and ginger is the solution. And for respiratory problems, it is one of the most effective home remedies. Antiviral, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of ginger effectively fight the root cause of the respiratory tract infection. You can chew a few slices of ginger every day with some salt. You could also drink ginger tea by boiling a few slices of ginger in water.


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tag: blog , health

Source: doctor.ndtv


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