Foods you should stop refrigerating NOW

Foods you should stop refrigerating NOW

1. Foods you should never refrigerate!


Foodsyou should never refrigerate!

When you bring a pile of groceries home the first thing that comes to your mind is to keep the perishable items in the refrigerator.Despite, popular belief, refrigerating certain foods can change their texture and flavour. Here are some of the items that you should never refrigerate.

2. Tomatoes


Tomatoes will lose all their flavor and texture and start becoming mushy when refrigerated. In order to ripen the tomatoes faster, keep them stored out of the fridge in paper or plastic bags.

3. Stone fruits


Cold temperature can affect their quality and flavor. Stone fruits such as peach, cherry and plum ripen at room temperature. Keep stone fruits wrapped in a paper bag in a cool, dry place.

4. Onions


If you put onions in the fridge, the humidity of the refrigerator turns them soft and moldy. Keep them in a cool, dry place.

5. ​Oils


Oils on refrigeration will thicken up and get cloudy. Olive and coconut oils, tends to solidify at cooler temperatures.The only oils that you must refrigerate are nut-based oils.

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tag: blog , health

Source: timesofindia


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