lowest Animals in the World

5 Slowest Animals in the World

The world is full of wonders. Mother Nature has created many wonders that truly leave us spellbound. The natural wonders widen our eyes with amazement. There is this beautiful natural beauty that mesmerizes one to the core. There are certain animals that also leave no chance to amaze us with their astonishing features. There are animals that can run with a lightning speed and there are animals that take hours and hours to cover the smallest distance.

This article is dedicated to the slowest animals on the planet. You must have read about the fastest animals on the planet. Let us introduce you to the top 5 slowest animals in the world.

5. Koala Bear


Koala Bear hugs the number 5 spot in the list of top 10 slowest animals in the world. This animal is a mammal which belongs to a group of animals called as marsupial. It is one of the most adorable animals.

Though the name says Koala bear, it is not a bear. As it resembles the bears of Australia, it is called Koala Bear. It is a herbivorous animal. It has robust limbs as well as claws that help it climb quickly on the trees. It has a thick padded tail. It has a very poor eye sight, but, an extraordinary sense of sound and smell. This helps him to recognize the predators with ease. The bear sits on trees for longer time and spend most of the time on the trees.

Koala is a slow moving animal. It moves with a speed of 447 cm per second.


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tag: blog , nature

Source: teninsider


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