Top 10 Fastest Land Animals In The World

Top 10 Fastest Land Animals In The World

In the animal kingdom, some species are even faster than many supercars. Among them, the top positions are held by birds. But in the group of land animals also some species who are built for speed. Here the list of 10 fastest land animals in the world

1. Cheetah – 75 Miles Per Hour


Cheetah fastest land animal in the world. During a chase, this powerful predator cover a breathtaking speed of 75 mph. Their long slender body, small head, and long yet powerful legs are built for speed. What’s more surprising is the how fast a cheetah accelerate. It can reach 0 to 60 mph in just three seconds.


However, cheetah can’t maintain it’s astonishing speed for long distance. It achieves such a great pace in short range. During hunting, a cheetah is also looking for right time to attack, which is also essential.

2. Pronghorn – 55 Miles Per Hour


This fast antelope of North America could achieve an astonishing speed of 55 mph during a run. That’s faster than their predators. In the habitat of pronghorns, the coyote is their main predator. The top speed of coyote is 42 mph. So, pronghorns are much faster than its primary predators.

Apart from this impressive speed, pronghorns are known for their endurance. They can maintain a speed of 30 to 35 mph for miles. This is not a commonly found capability among prey animal of mammals.

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